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I'm no good at stuff like this, and definitely not good at making profiles that look pretty or cool. So, uh...

I've been roleplaying and writing fics for somewhere over twenty years. Roleplay, admittedly, has been a more consistent thing than the writing of fics, and while I enjoy both very much, roleplay is slightly more fulfilling than fic writing since it's a collaborative venture.

I like all sorts of roleplay genres. Fantasy, dark fantasy, horror, Lovecraftian (hi, Bloodborne), crime, modern, etc., and themes can range from comedy to some of the darkest things. I should also add that I'm 100% happy to roleplay with anyone, any gender, for general storylines. But if you want romance or anything smutty, I prefer MxM pairings; it's just my comfort zone, y'know?

It's worth noting that I'm pretty shy. It makes me anxious about reaching out; I feel like I'm bothering people, haha. However, I'm friendly and always open to chat, even if you aren't interested in roleplay at the time, so don't hesitate to drop me a message. I definitely don't bite (though some of my characters do)!

Current Fandom Obsession:

Baldur's Gate 3 - Playing Astarion Ancunín, Haarlep & Dark Urge

Main Fandoms:

Far, far too many to list, honestly.

If you like a character, absolutely shoot them/me a message! Or, if you prefer, toss them a post! I'm flexible! I'm always open to chat, too!

"Important Note"
I'd like to make it known now that my health is very poor. I have a couple of chronic conditions on top of an autoimmune disease. Sometimes I can tell when things are taking a bad turn and I try to plan accordingly and keep everyone in the know. Then there are the times when I have no warning and things just get bad, leaving me down and out.

Thus, if I ever vanish or seem to have flaked out, it's very likely that. Foolishly, I tend to feel guilty or like people won't understand when I do return, and I get fearful about reaching out again. Furthermore, I'd like to apologize to anyone who has experienced this with me.

"Note About Characters"
Yes, I do primarily play canon characters, at least the ones that I feel I can portray accurately. I know this isn't everyone's cup of tea and that's, of course, fine. We each have our own preferences; it makes us unique!

However, I'd hope that we, as adults, can be civil. I, like every other person on this site, am here for roleplay, not to be judged for my character preferences. Furthermore, I find the argument that people playing canon characters aren't talented/creative enough to be a tired one. I work my ass off to write my few chosen canons well.

Besides, I do have OCs; maybe one of these days I'll get comfortable enough to add more.

Rave Reviews

Mando is so kind and talkative in OOC.
I enjoy their company and willingness to listen.
Also their characters are super fun and I hope they get more chances to be in roleplays with others.
They are always giving me something to work with!! Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - SillySpider

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