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ac-co-lade [ˈakəˌlād,-ˌläd] - noun
  1. An award, honor, or laudatory notice: The user's suggestion received accolades from excited programmers
  2. A ceremony for conferring knighthood upon an honored individual

Accolades highlight great community members and demonstrate our sincere appreciation for your contributions. The two minutes you spend filling out a bug report could prevent hundreds of others from having the same problem.

These folks are our white knights, defending and expanding the awesomeness of the RP Repository. Thank you!

  • Katia helped Doubutt enemies stop feeling so up tight. (10 hours ago)
  • Katia helped the Epic Week tutorial get less demanding. (11 hours ago)
  • Atheist helped track down a rare crash in Doubutt that occurred when carrying a magnet into the room where you get split in two. (1 day ago)
  • Shinyrainbowlithogra helped track down a rare crash in Doubutt that occurred when carrying a magnet into the room where you get split in two. (1 day ago)
  • Ultimate.Gaymer helped catch some Epic typos. (1 day ago)
  • Shinyrainbowlithogra helped a flamethrower through an identity crisis. (1 day ago)
  • Shinyrainbowlithogra caught a typo in an Epic Week item. (1 day ago)
  • Shinyrainbowlithogra helped the 2024 EW chat get found! (1 day ago)
  • Zelphyr helped get stim sprays and medicinal plants working on the frozen condition. (1 day ago)
  • Thylonicus helped set live chats back on their feet after they had fallen over. (2 days ago)
  • A_piece_of_cake helped set live chats back on their feet after they had fallen over. (2 days ago)
  • Zelphyr helped set live chats back on their feet after they had fallen over. (2 days ago)
  • Cosmonautilus helped the 2024 EW chat get found! (2 days ago)
  • Zelphyr helped bring the 2024 EW Tutorial more up to date. (2 days ago)
  • Falyn gave 3 new members a warm welcome in March 2024! (4 weeks ago)