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Part-time writer. Former graphic designer. Father of three, foster father to two more. I like to cook, and occasionally Bonebag and I make crazy pancakes by request. But sometimes we don't.

Once, long ago, I was a legend 'round these parts.
But then I wasn't, so there.


I live in the American Central timezone, and currently work an overnight 10hr shift, so currently my activity tends to center around the weekend. I'm not particularly community-active, these days, as I only have so much time available for such things and I tend to reserve that time for DMing my two current roleplay campaigns. As I am so limited in availability, I am sad to say that I am restricting my roleplays involvement only to these two games, which are what you might call longtime passion projects if mine finally coming to fruition. Neither group is currently accepting applications at this time, but I'll let you know if that changes.

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Rave Reviews

Has absolutely no business being jealous, with his mad art skillz. HAS HE FORGOTTEN HIS SUPER POWERS? - Pyrroglaux
I chanced into conversation with Andryn one day, and I came away both satisfied and impressed. A right proper bloke as some might say, but just as equally smart and engaging. I look forward to talking to him more in the future - JayBird

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