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Hi! I've been roleplaying since the early 1980s beginning with the original D&D system. My experience includes a variety of tabletop RPG systems. I began doing play-by-post RPGs in the early 2000s. Game settings I enjoy include fantasy, sci-fi, and modern.

My games focus heavily on plot, character interaction, and action/adventure. I'm not much into romance. Combat is important in certain types of genres, but the story and character development always come first.

I would consider myself to be an advanced-level writer and role player and look for partners with similar experience. That means you have excellent story-telling skills, can create a believable and well-developed, three-dimensional character, and help develop a rich and detailed setting, as well as craft an interesting plot with a storyline that is well-paced. Some of my games include light dice use and simple game mechanics.

I have 3 requirements for potential partners:

1. No kids! I don't join games that allow minors.

2. You need to be able to write in complete, well-constructed sentences and have strong reading comprehension skills. My games require multi-paragraphs (generally a minimum of 2).

3. Please be available regularly. If you can't post at least once per week in general, don't ask to work with me.

Rave Reviews

I joined an event of his awhile back, and even though we barely know each other I can definitely tell that he put a ton of work into his characters. The flawless way he played each of their personalities, and the banter between them while still acknowledging those coming and going was pretty amazing. Overall, a wonderful writer! Creative ideas Wonderful writer - MomoMonroe
I've been wanting to start a roleplay with Megan for over a year now, but it just hasn't happened. No matter, Megan is an awesome character, and the theme of her profile story is so relatable to my university days! give Megan's page a look! Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Dawnia

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